Waking Up


I need your prayers

Since we moved down here everything has been great, except one thing. My neck and back are really bad again. I can't sleep most nights cause it hurts no matter how I try to lay. I woke up this morning and immediately had to take some pain meds, just to be able to move around. I iced the back of my neck to help reduce any swelling, but I am still in pain. Please pray for 100% healing. I don't want to have this problem anymore. Josh and I won't have insurance again until March 1, so I will have to doctor myself with pain meds for now, and I don't like that idea. Alright, I'm sure you get the jest. Thanks!


My job!

Today has been a weird day. It has been great, weird, relaxed, stressful, trying, and exciting all at once. My boss and I had a conversation about his family and then later he didn't talk to me. It is definitely going to take me a while to get used to the people and the aspects of the job. I am at home eating lunch right now and on my way back to the office I have to stop and get kitchen supplies for the office. I am running company errands, guess I'm moving up in the world. Anyways, I gotta go shop. See Ya.


The First Day of the new Job

Well, here it is the first day of my new job and I am real nervous. Its 6:20 am and I have no idea what to expect at 8am when I get there. I am excited, but at the same time scared about not knowing how to do so many things for this position. I'll post tonight to let everyone know how it went. Have a great Monday ya'll.


Hey all!

I am finally able to sit down and Blog. You see Josh just left to go help another guy move in down here. People are coming like crazy. THe leadership team is meeting on a regular basis, getting all the details hashed out. I went in to my new office today to meet with one of the main dudes, Doug, to go over some things. I start on Mon. Unbelievable! This place is so awesome down here. I really like the city and the atmosphere. We have been busy getting everything set up and getting settled into the new house. I like our place. The kitchen is real big, and we are decorating with a new attitude, a modern, contemporary, yet classic look. Its really warm and cozy. Josh is supposed to show me how to post pics on my blog soon. So when he does, I'll get them on here. We got new cell phones on Thurs. Mine is a picture phone and I will be using it a lot. The pics aren't great but good enough for you all to see stuff down here. I miss you all.

Oh I am 25 today, I am begining to feel old.

Take care keep in touch.


Updates /Reviews

Well it's Friday and I am still packing... man it takes forever. So anyhow, I am doing a lot better now. I got a call today from a man named Randy today. He owns a consulting/fianancial backing business in AR. He is looking for an Exec. Assistant and wants to interview me! Me? I am quite overwhelmed by it, cause this guy used to be Wal-Marts Cheif Financial Officer, and now he has this business and is part of our church in AR. Pretty cool! I am excited and nervous all at once here, I am already worrying about what to wear to the interview on Mon the 17th. This is definietly an answer to my prayers. Just this morning I prayed "God let something happen today to let me know we are still on track", and here it is. So I now have my first interview in AR.

Also I told you all I would give you a review of "The Polar Express". It was pretty good, I really liked all the details that it had in it. The Author of the book Chris Van Allsburg has a very vivid imagination. I thought the Santa was a real person, but Josh told me it was CG. I thought Tom Hanks did a wonderful job playing so many characters, and I enjoyed the movie emmensly. I remember in Middle School, a group of High School actors came in and performed this book for us. I have never forgotten the magic it holds and this movie brought back a since of childhood that so many adults forget!


The Tough Row to Hoe

Well, I had my last day of work on Monday. It was really sad leaving there, cause that has been the very best job I have ever had. Yesterday(Tues.) I worked on packing up stuff, Josh's folks came over that afternoon and helped me, but I wasn't in a very good mood. You see ever since Josh and I have made the decision to make this move it seems that we have done nothing but argue. Argue over what needs to be done, and how to do it, well just about everything. I am pretty positive that it is just the stress of it all, but man it sucks. It became apparently clear to me last night that I had totally lost faith in God, that I was in a state of almost not beliveing at all. I guess it has just been so hard for me, since it seems like nothing has fallen into place yet, and we leave in a weeek. I haven't been praying, or even talking to God for that matter and I had lost all hope. Josh really helped me last night, he made me talk to him about how I felt, and questioned me about my feelings toward God, and made me realize what was happening. He prayed for me, and I cried out to God to help me beleive again and to help me grow closer to him and Josh. It has been really trying to do all of this, but I am sure that this will be the greatest thing we have ever done. Today, Josh wasn't feeling well, he came home yetererday and took medicine, and Josh just doesn't take meds, even Tylenol for a headache, so I knew he really wasn't feeling well. He stayed home today and we both slept till 12:30. That was nice, I feel good. We are going to venture out and run a few errands, then we are going on a date to see Polar Express. I let you know what I thouhgt of it next post. Well gotta get ready now, see ya.