Waking Up


Big Wag Dog Party

On Saturday, Josh and I took Kafka to the Big Wag 2nd Anniversary Party up the street from our house. Since it was so close we decided to walk up there, and man was it hot. We met up with Brian, Michelle and their dog Moses, then later Brock, Lauren and their dog Sasse showed up too. It was a cute little party. The dogs got to eat some cake that was specially for them. There were vendors set up with information and they did lots of games for free stuff. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment.

This was when Moses was waiting to get his picture taken in front of the fountain inside the store.

This was right outside the store where they were giving away the "barkday" cake.

Kafka inhaled her cake so quickly I didn't even have time to get a picture of her actually eating it.

Kafka loved the swimming pools full of water that they had. She climbed right in and made herself comfortable. The funniest part was she kept rolling back and forth trying to get positioned just right. She was in doggie heaven.

Sasse decided that she liked the water too.

My baby girl looking hot and tired.

Moses just hanging out in the shade


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