Waking Up


Updates /Reviews

Well it's Friday and I am still packing... man it takes forever. So anyhow, I am doing a lot better now. I got a call today from a man named Randy today. He owns a consulting/fianancial backing business in AR. He is looking for an Exec. Assistant and wants to interview me! Me? I am quite overwhelmed by it, cause this guy used to be Wal-Marts Cheif Financial Officer, and now he has this business and is part of our church in AR. Pretty cool! I am excited and nervous all at once here, I am already worrying about what to wear to the interview on Mon the 17th. This is definietly an answer to my prayers. Just this morning I prayed "God let something happen today to let me know we are still on track", and here it is. So I now have my first interview in AR.

Also I told you all I would give you a review of "The Polar Express". It was pretty good, I really liked all the details that it had in it. The Author of the book Chris Van Allsburg has a very vivid imagination. I thought the Santa was a real person, but Josh told me it was CG. I thought Tom Hanks did a wonderful job playing so many characters, and I enjoyed the movie emmensly. I remember in Middle School, a group of High School actors came in and performed this book for us. I have never forgotten the magic it holds and this movie brought back a since of childhood that so many adults forget!


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