At Last...
After what seemed like the worst longest day of my entire year at InvestLinc, I am Blessed beyond measure by the man I have come to despise greatly. I received a call at about 7:30 this morning from my boss Doug. He called and was already at the office working this morning. He had given me this last minute project to complete then when it came down to the wire he said I could finish it when I get back. I was quite angry with that because he made it seem like I wasn't going to be able to leave until this thing was completed. So anyways, during our call he asked if I was comfortable with leaving the work as it was and if I had anything else that had to be completed before I left. I responded with one thing I hadn't completed yesterday, and he said... "I will take care of it, I am on a roll here this morning" I almost fainted. He then preceded to tell me don't worry about coming in today. I said in a shocked voice OK, Thank you so much Doug. He said Have a Merry Christmas and we will see you when you get back.
I am still in a state of shock about the whole thing. He surprised me so much. I didn't think he would ever say something so nice. I guess some people do have Christmas Spirit after all.
See ya in a couple of days all ya'll Springfield people.