Waking Up


The season of "Last Minute"

Well I am going to kind of follow Joel and post about what I like and don't like about this season.

I am going to start however with the things I like or are looking forward to:

1. Seeing all my family and friends and not having to do it in a matter of 2 days. We will be home for 10-11 days this trip.
2. Giving gifts to all my family.
3. I get 7.5 days off from work.
4. Christmas Music- I know that some people (Josh) can't stand it but I love to listen to the songs of the season, just because you only hear them for 1 month a year, so they don't get old so fast. I will admit though that I do get burnt out by the end of the season.

Now, I want to discuss the things I dislike:

1. Traffic is nuts. We live off a major road through our town and it has been a zoo. I went out on Saturday to a store and had to drive around the parking lot 3 times to find an empty parking space, and that was only because someone pulled out.
2. Having so much to do, so many places to go... it is the season of never ending errands and parties. Come January I might get to rest a little.
3. Now this one is a big one and not neccesarily at Christmas time only... Last Minute stuff. It is Wednesday and one of my bosses sprung something on me last minute that he has known about for a couple of months and I am supposed to leave at noon tomorrow to go to OH. I just hate that about people. They don't think it is important to get things to people in a reasonable time so we can actually do the work.. AHHHHHHHH I am so frustrated with this. Josh is dealing with this same thing with people for the church. He has to get so much info from other people to do his job and they don't get in a hurry to get it to him. I understand that people are busy but Josh started working on this stuff the beginning of this month and still has stuff to finish before we can leave.
4. The rudeness of people out at stores: people don't say excuse me, they don't have manners, it just drives me crazy. Why do people not use manners at Christmas time? Is it in some kind of code of conduct that you forget how to be polite at this time of year. This season would be so much better if people would be more polite than normal. I guess I can always hope!

Well I think that covers it. See ya'll later.


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