The Whirlwind of Thanksgiving
Fot the most part it was an ok day, traveling around to see everyone. Every year I know that we will have to get in the car and drive ourselves somewhere far away to have Thanksgiving. This year it was to Miamisburg to hang out with My dad's family and I have to say it was kinda uncomfortable. We went to my Uncle Dan's house, where he and his new wife live. It ended up being my grandma, all my uncles and thier wives, and then the mother, brother (and his family) of my new aunt. It was alright, and her brother was really cool to meet cause he was a Lt. Col. that works at the pentagon. Pretty neat! Well, the time spent there was ok, Josh and I played Euchre with my 'rents and we had a good time laughing at each other. Its been a while since my parents and Josh have enjoyed being together. So when the time came to leave we said our goodbyes and I realized that I will not see most of these people again before we move. Kinda sad... but I don't see them but 1 a year as it is, so it probably won't bother me too much not to see them. Ok, moving along to the next home we visited, Josh's folks... We always have fun when we are there. Most of the family was there (except my sis, Tod, and Jake) so we got to hang out with them. His family cracks me up sometimes, the talk about the stupidest stuff and it is soooooo funny. For example we got on the subject of creamation, and Josh's sis, Denise, said that there are 1 lb. of ashes for every 10lbs. of weight leftover when you creamate someone.... where on earth did she get that info from? So we all talked about what we thought it would be like to be creamated and for real Josh's mom wants to be. She jokes about wanting to be put in a Mason Jar and sent around to all the kids' house to visit. Josh and I joke about sending her around the world via Fed-Ex or something.
Well it was a good thanksgiving, nice to see family, and friends. Today will be really fun though, we are going to Richmond, IN to see one of Josh's best friends and his new wife. They are having a little shindig at their house for all of their friends, and we got invited. I feel special!