Waking Up


Stressed doesn't begin to describe it!

Man things are really bad right now. Josh and I are arguing constantly, there is still so much to do, and we are running out of time. I have never before felt so overwhelmed as I do now, preparing for Arkansas. Josh and I have realized that we are on our own in this. Our friends and family may say that they support us, but they aren't really there to talk to or help us prepare. Everyone just keeps saying "stop reminding me that you're leaving; It is so sad to see you go", but yet no one will go out of their way to assist us in any way, or spend time with us without us having to go to them. I just don't get it. I have never been so dissapointed with family and friends, with regards to how they really value our relationship. It hurts to know that people just want us to stop talking about and being excited about Arkansas. WELL GET A CLUE, ARKANSAS IS OUR LIVES NOW! I know we are still here in Ohio, but only for a short time, and God is preparing us now, for our lives in Arkansas. He has given us both such a hope for peace, love, a growing, thriving church, and an opportunity to do something great for the kingdom of GOD! It's about time that we felt like we were actually accomplishing something of value! Well, I guess I've vented enough for now.


At 12:37 PM , Blogger Joel said...

If you need help, ask. I know that doesn't sound like it is the way it should be, but people, including myself are stupid. We fall short of knowing how we can help or what we can do to help. I think you'd find that there are a lot of people that would jump at the chance to help you if they only knew how. I'll be straight up honest and say, other than prayer, I don't have a clue how to physically assist you all.

As far as "stop reminding me that you're leaving"...you all have received confirmation that you are to go. You are excited at what God has in store. Many people, myself included at times, don't see that and all that is seen is that you all are leaving. Not the easiest thing for us to deal with either. I'm losing my best friend to a major geographical seperation. I probably won't see you all but maybe once a year from here on out. That's not easy for me to digest. I trust God that this is His plan for you, but it doesn't make it any easier, just as I'm sure when I was talking about leaving WFFC it wasn't easy for you all to hear...you understood and trusted God in my decision. I know for a fact that wasn't the easiest thing on a lot of people.

Sorry for the long reply...just know that we do seriously care, but we are human and fall miserably short of being what only One true friend can be.

At 6:04 PM , Blogger Kim said...

It is hard to hear all of this, and like Joel said, not all of us know how to handle it. All we can think about is how much we don't want you to leave, because we'll miss you a ton and won't see you that much, but I guess we need to look on the positive side of this. God will do some amazing things for you and Josh through this change, and I am cool with that. I couldn't be happier for you.

And I'm here for you too. If you need some help moving or whatever it is, I'm willing to serve you both. I love you so much! Take care.

At 5:08 PM , Blogger The Goddess said...

You don't know me at all...just kind of stumbled across your husband's site one day and he had a link to yours...so I've been reading about what's been going on with you. Being a military brat, I've moved a ton during my life and it became routine to do all of the things that you are doing now. That was until 2003 when I moved to Chicago from Georgia and had to do everything myself. No one offered to help or anything and no one wanted to hear about my trip to Chicago at all. I couldn't understand it at first and was really bitter about it. After thinking about it though, I began to realize that this must be really hard for them too.

Basically I just want to encourage you. Things are hard right now, but you have to think of how your friends are feeling right now. Especially if they are really attached to you at all. They are beginning the grieving process and are dreading missing you so much and not being able to just stop over or see you at church or anything anymore. I'm saying that you don't have the right to be excited or that you should always have to ask for help because they could offer help as well. But I think you should cut them a little slack because they love you and are hurting.

God has awesome things planned for you and your husband with the churchplant and everything. And your friends know that and can see that. But your friends are seeing that through blurred sight...tears, memories, "last" moments, etc.

I will be praying for your move and that things will start coming together and your stress will ease.


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