Waking Up


Visit #1- Prenatal Nurse only

On Wednesday, Josh and I went to my first doctor's appointment. We met with the prenatal nurse and it was basically just a meeting to get medical history, check my vitals and of course do the blood tests. We were there a total of about an hour, then we had to go down the street to Willow Creek so I could get my blood drawn. Now, let me tell you... I have never been good with needles, but I have really tried to prepare myself since I know I am going to be quite the pin cushion during my pregnancy. When we got registered and it was time to draw my blood, I warned the lab tech that everyone that has ever drawn blood from me has only been able to get blood by using a butterfly needle in my hand. Well, this girl proceeded to tie off my arm and search for a vein on the inside of my elbow. I let her stick me but it was a waste of time, because she only got 1/2 a vile out of the necessary 4 viles and the vein quite bleeding. So, she had to use the butterfly in my hand just like I told her she would. Now, I have a bruise on my arm and my hand is fine. I have decided that next time I am going to put up more of a fight and make sure they just use my hand so I don't have to suffer through more pricks than are necessary.

Today, I called the doctor's office and they told me all my results came back normal.

We will be able to heat the baby's heartbeat on Monday, August 27. I can't wait!


At 9:46 PM , Blogger Our Family said...

The heartbeat appointment- the best one! It made everything feel so real. I can't believe you are already that far along!

At 11:41 AM , Blogger kellyk said...

i have SUPER crappy veins except during pregnancy, i guess b/c of all the extra blood volume. everytime they've done mine lately it's been a cinch! a nice change. baby heartbeat is so fun!

of course NOW it's getting annoying to go in for what seems like a weight check and heartbeat check, b/c HELLO i know he's alive in there. he's kicking the snot out of me. and i KNOW i'm gaining weight...so why am i here again?

At 11:46 AM , Blogger Allen said...

How exciting! I agree with one of Kelly's earlier comments; you need a pregnancy counter or something. I keep forgetting how far along you are.

At 11:47 AM , Blogger Keisha said...

OOPS! That last comment was from me, but I forgot to sign allen out.

At 6:34 AM , Blogger Joel said...

The heartbeat. That's cool stuff.


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