Waking Up


Trees of a different kind

This year for Christmas, Josh and I will not be in Ohio. I am sad about this, but also ready to start a new tradition with "my family". Well in order to celebrate Christmas( according to me) you have to have a Christmas tree. Of which we do not currently posess. Our first tree did not make the move here to Arkansas with us, as it was not in good quality. We went out on Sunday evening to check out the trees at Walmart (big surprise on our choice of places, huh?). After wandering around looking, we have decided to get a tree that is pre-lit. We do have a delimma though... our living room in the house, or rather our half of a duplex is not large enough for the tree that Josh and I really like. So, we have been searching on various websites trying to find a 6ft. or smaller tree, that is no larger than 3ft. wide. During our looking we came across this tree.

When we saw this we were a little confused. Why would you possibly want a tree that is upside down. I guess I realize that it would take up less floor space, since the widest part would be in the air. But come on people, do you really think this thing is going to sell to people. How would you put a topper on that kind of tree? How would you decorate it with ribbon or any isicles? I just don't understand the thought process behind this one. Oh, and we also saw this tree.

I really don't get this. What would make someone hang their Christmas tree from the stinkin' ceiling? I need some help on this one guys. Someone give me some explanations on this. Please!


At 9:20 AM , Blogger Joel said...

It's like hanging a flag upside down -- wrong and completely condescending towards the Christmas spirit. It is the epitomey of Scrooge.

At 6:54 AM , Blogger Tim said...

If you need a christmas tree you need to make a trip to Hob Lob. Or what most people call Hobby Lobby.

Not necisarily because of there great selection of trees but more so because of this 40% off coupon


They usually have a 40% off coupon but I bet they wont have as many heading towards christmas.

Shine on,

At 7:07 AM , Blogger SABRINA said...

I did check at Hobby Lobby last night (Tuesday) and they don't have any small trees that will actually fit in our living room. We are going to check Lowe's, Home Depot, and Target.

At 8:22 PM , Blogger Our Family said...

Don't know if you'll see this but we just saw the first Christmas tree the day you wrote this. I thought it was a joke- it just didn't register in my mind that it was real! hmmm...
As for why would you want to hang it from the ceiling? Well, it keeps babies away from knocking it over on them! Tree on a table is happening at this house this year! :)


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