Waking Up


A long survey for lots of information

..::Bored as Heck::..
..::Personal Info::..
Middle name::Ann
Are you named after anyone?::Middle name after my aunt
When is your birthday?::1-21
Zodiac Sign::Aquarius
Blood type::You don't need to know unless you are bleeding to death
Where were you born?::Indianapolis, IN
Where do you live now?::Rogers, AR
Who with?::My husband and dog
Have any siblings?::1-older sister
Are you parents divorced?::Nope, been together 31 years
What is your heritage?::I have too much to mention
..::More About Me::..
Hair color::Dark Blonde
Eye color::Hazel
Height::5' 1"
Weight::I'm not telling
Clothing style::fashionable
Shoe size::7.5
Political Persuasion::Republican
Do you wear glasses?::for reading only
Do you have braces?::nope, never
Piercings?::One in each ear
Right or left handed?::Right
..::Do You::..
Have any pets?::A choc. lab named Kafka
Smoke?::I quit 5 years ago
Do drugs?::I quit 5 years ago
Have a curfew?::Nope, I tell the husband when I'll be home
Like thunderstorms?::Not at all
Do your homework?::Yes, but I procrastinate
Make good grades?::Most of the time
Have any phobias?::Bridges (getting better)
Play any sports?::not since High School
Play an instrument?::Not since High School- trumpet
Have a job?::Yes, full-time Office Manager/Exec. Asst.
Believe in God?::With all my heart
Believe in karma?::nope
Believe in government?::every once in a while
Think aliens exist?::nope
Like to travel?::yes, don't get to as often as I'd like
Hate school?::no, just homework
Have a social life?::Yes, lots of friends
Like having your picture taken?::not really- I always look fat in them
Ride rollercoasters?::Yes, please
Daydream a lot?::I don't think so
Have many exes?::a few but not for a long time
Like cows?::Yes, but wouldn't ever have any
Have any hidden talents?::
Wear makeup?::Almost every day
Drive?::unfortunetly with all the crazies
Lie?::I try not to
Believe in love at first sight?::Yes
..::Have You Ever::..
Been in a fight?::yes in Middle school
Been in a car accident?::when I was really little
Gotten a speeding ticket?::nope, I don't speed
Said I love you and didn't mean it?::I don't remember
Been fired from a job?::no, but forced to quit
Gone toilet papering?::yes
Written graffiti?::no
Failed a grade?::no
Skipped a grade?::no, not that smart
Been skydiving?::no, I don't want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane
Gone skinny-dipping?::yes
Played strip poker?::yes
Been to another country?::yes
Another state?::all the time
Started a rumor?::no
Had a rumor started about you?::oh yes
Been dumped?::yes
Broken someone's heart?::yes
Dated someone younger than you?::yes
Dated someone older?::yes
Had braces?::no
Found a dead body?::no
Faked sick?::yes
Been rejected by a crush?::yes
Made a prank phone call?::yes
Broken a bone?::yep- 2 or 3
Attempted suicide?::no
Been rushed to the E.R.?::yes
Bitten someone?::well yes, but not to be mean
..::Would You Ever::..
Get a tattoo?::I don't know
Get your lip pierced?::no way
Get your tongue pierced?::Never, I like to eat
Become a monk?::nope
Run for president?::I don't want that kind of responsibility
Kill someone?::for self protection, perhaps
Willingly become a vampire?::I don't believe in them
Use a time machine?::sure if they actually existed
If so, where would you go to?::as many places as possible
Food::chicken fettucine alfredo
Drink::Sweet Tea
Ice cream::Choc. Chip Cookie Dough
Candy::anything chocolate
Restaurant::Mi Jalapeno
Places to shop::anywhere
Movie::I couldn't pick just one
Actor/Actress::Charleze Theron
Music::Classic Rock
Band::Lynard Skynard
Song::Sweet Home Alabama
Music Video::I don't watch music videos
TV Show::Grey's Anatomy and Amazing Race
Cartoon character::Scooby Doo
Number::I don't have a clue
Animal::any kind of puppy
Day of the week::Saturday
Season of the year::Spring
Video game::Don't even get me started
Childhood memory::Going on spontaneous trips with my family, eating sandwiches out of the cooler while we drive to anywhere
Place to vacation::Hawaii
Smell::Cocunut Lime Verbena (Bath & Body)
Vegetable::Brussel Sprouts
Sport to watch::I am not a sports fan
Sport to play::I do enjoy playing softball. I haven't played since High School though.
Technology::Wireless Internet
Vehicle::anything new
..::This or That::..
Boxers or briefs::I don't care
Underwear or thongs::both
Chocolate or vanilla::chocolate
Movies or books::movies
Love or lust::love
Baths or showers::baths
Whips or chains::neither
Work or play::play
McDonalds or Burger King::McDonalds
Coke or Pepsi::Coke, but I don't really drink soda
Ketchup or mustard::mustard
Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip::Miracle WHip
Beef or chicken::chicken
Vampires or Werewolves::neither
Marvel Comics or DC Comics::what?
Nestea or Lipton::Lipton
Coffee or cappuccino::Coffee
Love or money::How about both
Deal or no deal::Deal
Looks or personality::Personality
Real or imaginary::Real
Life or death::Life
Clean or dirty::Depends on if I've had time to clean
Kill or be killed::Kill
Moon or stars::Stars
Naughty or nice::Both, I have multiple personalities
Croutons or bacon bits::bacon bits
Single or group dates::single
Hot or cold::hot
Fire or ice::ice
X-Box or Playstation::neither
Skateboards or rollerblades::rollerblades
Light or dark::light
Night or day::night
Phone conversations or online chats::depends on who it is
Last movie you watched::Jarhead
Last book you read::who knows
Last song you heard::Beautiful- Betthany Dillion
Last TV show you watched::The Baby Story
Last place you ate::my living room
What did you eat?::Bagel Bites
Last thing you laughed at::this survey
Last time you cried::last week
Last person you talked to::Dan- one of my bosses
Last person you hugged::my husband
Last person you kissed::my husband
Last person you said I love you to::my husband
Last thing you bought::groceries last night
Last thought::I wish my day was over
..::Top 8 Friends::..
Who knows you the best?::Danielle
Who is the sexiest?::Jen O.
Craziest?::Jen O.
Nicest?::I couldn't pick just one
Coolest?::what is cool?
Most talented?::they all have there talents
Smartest?::Jennifer M.
..::In a Guy/Girl::..
Hair color::how about bald
Hair style::shaved to the scalp
Eye color::blue
Tattoos?::would be alright with me
Geeky or cool::geeky, but in a cool sort of way
Rebel or goody-good::does it matter
Scruffy or clean-cut::clean-cut
Muscular or skinny::skinny, look at my husband
Passionate or careless::passionate
Rich or poor::doesn't matter
Independent or dependent::independent
Sensitive or cold-hearted::sensitive
Athletic or lazy::athletic but likes to lounge too
Goofy or serious::depends on the moment
Partyer or homebody::why not party at home?
Drinker?::don't care
Druggie?::not at all
Smart and ugly or dumb and cute?::who says they have to be ugly to be smart.
Long-term or short-term relationships?::long term
..::Random Questions::..
If you could have an accent, what would it be?::jersey
How do you like your eggs?::over easy
Thoughts on President Bush?::like him, don't agree with everything
What do you think about war?::it is sometimes neccessary
Have any mental illnesses?::none that I know of
Do you read your horoscope daily?::no
Have any cavities?::not anymore
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?::once sometimes twice
What kind of toothpaste do you use?::Aquafresh or Colgate
What kind of gum do you like?::Trident White Spearmint
Can you speak Pig Latin?::esya
What color underwear do you have on?::black
What is your cellphone ringtone?::typical ring
What's your most used IM phrase?::l8r
Do you wear sunglasses at night?::no
..::The Future::..
Are you going to college?::yes
Where?::Northwest Arkansas Community College
For a degree in what?::Business
How long do you plan to be there?::as long as it takes
What do you want to do after college?::not sure yet
What's your dream job?::helping people (just don't know how)
Do you want to get married someday?::already am
If so, when?::happened Sept. 29, 2001
Expensive engagement ring?::not really but I like it
Describe your dream wedding::I wish we would have eloped
Describe your perfect honeymoon::anywhere where there is a beach
Where do you want to live?::whereever God takes me
Do you want kids?::definitely
If so, how many?::2-3
Boy(s) or girl(s)?::fraternal twins and a boy
Any idea of their names?::yep, but I won't tell
Do you want to grow old?::yes, with my husband
Will you be a cool grandparent?::I hope so
What age do you expect to die?::How morbid a question!
How will you die?::Hopefully happy and fulfilled
What kind of funeral do you want?::nothing to eleborate
What do we do with your body?::bury it
Who will be in your will?::my family
What would your tombstone say?::Blessed beyond my dreams
If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?::don't believe in ghosts
Good ghost, or evil ghost?::see above
What would you want to reincarnate as?::nothing, I want to live in Heaven for eternity
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At 8:28 AM , Blogger Kim said...

hey girl.
haven't talked to you in a while.
how've you been??

i miss you. and hope to see you at camp.

too bad i can't see you this weekend. :(


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